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San Radiology & Nuclear Medicine


The San is one of the leading facilities offering PET and PET-CT scanning to patients across the Sydney region. Our recently opened state-of-the art facilities on the North Shore allow the San Radiology & Nuclear Medicine (SRNM) team of skilled imaging specialists to utilise the latest PET and PET-CT technologies to diagnose a range of conditions and assist with ongoing treatments.

PET stands for "positron emission tomography". It is a nuclear medicine imaging test in which a small amount of liquid radioactive material is injected into the body and is used to diagnose a variety of diseases, including many types of cancers, and brain and heart disease.

PET scanners are combined with computed tomography (CT) scanners, called PET-CT scanners. CT imaging uses X-ray equipment to create detailed images of slices of the inside of your body. The PET-CT combination allows any abnormality on the PET scan to be precisely located within the body, allowing for more accurate diagnosis of any problems. The PET or PET-CT scanner looks like a large box with a circular hole in the middle.

The radioactive substance most commonly used in PET scanning is a simple sugar (like glucose) called FDG, which stands for "fluorodeoxyglucose". It is injected into the bloodstream and accumulates in the body where it gives off energy in the form of gamma rays. These are detected by the PET scanner and a computer converts the signals into detailed pictures or images showing how tissue and organs are working. If you are having an FDG-PET, your sugar metabolism (how sugar is used by your body) is imaged. This is commonly used for cancer imaging, as the cancer cells need sugar to grow. FDG is also useful for imaging inflammatory or infective processes, and for imaging brain metabolism.

PET & PET-CT scans we perform

San Radiology & Nuclear Medicine provides a comprehensive PET imaging service utilising a range of tracers to maximise diagnostic sensitivity and specificity to diagnose, stage and monitor mostly cancers and neurodegenerative diseases.

F-18 FDG (Fluorodeoxyglucose) 

  • used to detect a broad range of cancers. The uptake of F-18 FDG by tissues is a marker for tissue uptake of glucose, with increased uptake seen in tissues with high metabolic activity such as most tumours

F-18 PSMA (DCFPyL or 1007)

  • F-18 based tracer used to detect prostate cancer recurrent or metastatic lesions
  • the ability to detect early metastatic deposits and early prostate cancer recurrence is very relevant for staging, prognosis and planning therapies

Ga-68 PSMA (Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen)

  • Ga-68 based tracer used to detect prostate cancer recurrent or metastatic lesions with higher sensitivity than other imaging examinations
  • the ability to detect early metastatic deposits and early prostate cancer recurrence is very relevant for staging, prognosis and planning therapies


  • used to detect somatostatin-avid malignancies such as Neuroendocrine Tumours (NET’s)

F-18- FET (Fluoroethyl-tyrosine)

  • F-18 based tracer that plays a role in the detection of brain tumours, particularly tumour recurrence, and plays an important role in therapy planning, prognosis and management

F-18 - FBB (Florbetaben)

  • F-18 based tracer that has a high level of sensitivity to identify and quantify beta-amyloid plaque accumulation in the brain, which is relevant to patients with persistent or progressive mild cognitive impairment who meet the criteria for possible Alzheimer’s disease or with progressive or atypical early onset dementia.

A tissue marker is a very small object that is inserted into the breast either at the time of a biopsy, or to mark a previously diagnosed abnormality. There are a number of different types of markers available and the radiologist uses the marker clip most suitable for your particular requirements. There are different materials used in the various markers that are available and the markers come in a variety of shapes. Different shapes are useful if there are multiple areas to be marked in the same breast.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why would my doctor refer me to have this procedure?

The reasons for having a PET-CT scan are continually evolving, with new ways of testing a broader range of conditions and symptoms, and using new radioactive substances. Nevertheless, most PET scans are carried out in patients with cancer. PET-CT is important for identifying certain cancers and assessing their spread through the body. This will allow your doctor to determine the most appropriate treatment for you and advise you on your options. Scans are also used at intervals to determine whether the cancers have responded to your treatment.

How do I prepare for a PET scan?

You will receive specific instructions based on the type of PET scan you are undergoing. If you are unsure about any aspect of preparation, please contact San Radiology & Nuclear Medicine. 

It is important that you let our staff know if you are (or think you could be) pregnant or are breast-feeding. Women who are breast-feeding and people who are the primary or sole carer for small children may need to make special preparations for after the test, to stop breast-feeding for a short time and to avoid close contact with young children. This is due to the small amount of radioactivity your body may release for a while after the test. Please discuss this with our staff when you book your scan.

Please bring any previous x-ray or radiology images you have with you to your appointment, as our nuclear medicine physicians may find it helpful to compare these when interpreting your PET scan.

For an FDG PET-CT, you will be asked to not eat anything for several hours before the PET scan, because this may alter your sugar metabolism and may affect the quality of the images or pictures. Drinking water is both acceptable and advised so that you are not dehydrated. If you have diabetes, you will be provided with specific instructions and may need to stop taking some diabetes medications before having the scan.

You need to wear comfortable, loose clothing, and will generally be changed into a hospital gown. It is important that you are not wearing metal, including jewellery, watches, zips and bra hooks, as these can affect the quality of the images produced.

What happens during a PET scan?

When you arrive a nurse or nuclear medicine technologist will explain the procedure and prepare you for the PET scan. You will be asked to change into a gown. A small needle will be inserted into a vein, usually in your arm or the back of your hand, to fit an intravenous line (a thin plastic tube) through which the liquid radioactive material is injected. A brief medical history will be taken to ensure the optimal (or best) scanning method is used and to also help with subsequent image interpretation. Your blood sugar level will be checked, as high or low blood sugar levels can alter the appearance of the scan. The radioactive substance is then injected into your vein through the intravenous line.

If you are having an FDG-PET scan, you will be asked to rest quietly in a bed or arm chair, avoiding movement or talking for 90 minutes. During this time you will be alone. You may be asked to drink some contrast material that moves through your stomach and bowel, and helps to improve the quality of the images. Occasionally, depending on the medical condition or symptom, a catheter (a thin flexible tube) may be placed into your bladder to help improve image quality.

You will then be moved to the scanning room and positioned on the PET scanning bed. It is important to remain as still as possible during the scan, as movement can result in reduced image quality and the images may be blurry. If you are uncomfortable after being positioned on the bed, please tell the nurse or technologist.

If you are having a PET-CT, the CT scan is done first and takes less than 2 minutes. The PET scan takes approximately 15–20 minutes, but the time will vary depending on the areas of your body being scanned.

The intravenous line will be removed before you leave. You should drink plenty of fluids after the test is finished. This will flush the radioactive substance out of the body through the kidneys and into the bladder.

How long does a PET scan take?

This will depend on the type of scan you are having, but you can expect to be in our facility for between 2–3 hours. The time on the PET scanner is typically around 20 minutes, but time is also needed for preparation.

When the scan is completed, you will be asked to wait while the images are checked to make sure they are clear. Occasionally, there is a need to obtain more images after this check.

Are there any after-effects or risks of a PET scan?

A PET scan is a very safe and routine procedure. Millions of PET scans have been done around the world without complication. The substances used in PET scanning are not associated with any side effects, so you should feel no different after the scan. Unless your doctor tells you otherwise, you can resume normal activities after a PET scan.

The radiation dose you receive is equivalent to several years of natural background radiation from the normal environment. This small amount of additional radiation does not cause any side effects.

Some people experience claustrophobia (fear of being confined in a small space) when inside the scanner machine. If you have experienced claustrophobia in the past, please inform our staff when you arrive as they can take steps to minimise your feeling of claustrophobia.

Again, if there is any possibility that you are pregnant or if you are breast-feeding you should inform staff.

What are the benefits of a PET scan and who performs them?

PET scanning is a powerful diagnostic test that is having a major impact on the diagnosis and treatment of disease. It provides unique information that may assist in making a diagnosis, making decisions about treatment or providing a prognosis, that is, the likely outcome of any disease.

Nuclear medicine tests, including PET scanning, can provide information on how tissue or organs are working, which cannot be obtained from other imaging techniques. PET scans may detect disease earlier than other types of scanning by identifying early changes to tissue and organs.

A nuclear medicine technologist operates the equipment during the procedure. The technologist, or a nurse, will also be involved in preparing you for the scan. A doctor who has received highly specialised training in nuclear medicine & PET will oversee the procedure, interpret the images and provide your referring doctor with a report of the scan.

Reference: Inside Radiology, Royal Australian College and New Zealand College of Radiology (RANZCR, 2014)

How much will my PET / PET-CT scan cost?

San Radiology & Nuclear Medicine understands the need to make access to PET / PET-CT scans affordable for patients. However, only certain conditions and / or indications meet the criteria for Medicare-eligibility.

At San Radiology & Nuclear Medicine there is NO-GAP / BULK-BILLING available for:

  • Medicare-eligible PET indications
  • Medicare-eligible PET-CT (PET and Diagnostic CT performed together) for Pensioners and Concession Card Holders

All other examinations will incur an out-of-pocket cost (gap payment).

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