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Dr Harry Klimis

Dr Harry Klimis

MBBS, BMedSci (Hons I Medal), GradCertClinEpi, PhD, FRACP


  • Cardiology
  • Echocardiology


Other Languages

  • Greek


Dr Klimis is a cardiologist and cardio-oncologist who completed a two-year Cardio-Oncology and Advanced Echocardiography Fellowship at PHRI (Population Health Research Institute) and McMaster University in Canada. Cardio-Oncology is a rapidly growing field focused on the early identification and management of cardiovascular toxicities from cancer therapies, the prevention of heart disease in cancer survivors, and cardiovascular decision-making in patients with active cancer.

Dr Klimis has Level III Advanced Echocardiography certification in all areas including Transthoracic and Transoesophageal echocardiography, Stress echocardiography, and contrast echocardiography. He has had extensive experience with Intraoperative and Intraprocedural evaluations, and within the structural heart disease program.

Dr Klimis completed his cardiology training at Westmead Hospital, and completed both his MBBS and PhD at the University of Sydney. He is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Sydney and leads a Cardio-Oncology clinical and research program. He has authored several papers in high-impact journals, and has presented his research at many national and international conferences. His research has focused on primary prevention of cardiovascular disease and digital health interventions, and more recently cardiovascular disease prevention in cancer survivors.

In addition to Sydney Adventist Hospital, Dr Klimis has an appointment at Northern Beaches Hospital and an honorary appointment at Westmead Hospital.


  • Sydney Adventist Hospital