- General Surgery
- Breast Surgery
- Surgical Oncology
- Head & Neck Surgery
Northern Surgical Oncology, San Clinic
Suite 404, 185 Fox Valley Road
Phone: (02) 7227 6363
Fax: (02) 9473 8949
Michael Hughes is a Surgical Oncologist with over 25 years' specialty experience. Having trained as a general surgeon he then pursued post-fellowship training in surgical oncology in Australia and the United Kingdom. His expertise includes the management of breast cancer as well as benign breast disease, melanoma as well as advanced and rare non-melanoma skin cancers, soft tissue tumours benign and malignant (sarcoma), salivary gland tumours and lymph node malignancy (neck, axilla, groin and retroperitoneum). Michael is the founder and Clinical Director of Northern Surgical Oncology (NSO) and was the Clinical Director of the San's Division of Surgical Services up until 2023.
Michael is committed to providing the highest quality care to his patients. Michael ensures that the care given to his patients is the best and safest possible through his significant involvement in research, education, leadership, multidisciplinary care and quality management systems at NSO, the San and more broadly.
In addition to his medical practice Michael has number of significant leadership roles including the Academic Lead of the ANU Sydney Adventist Hospital Clinical School Project; the Clinical Director of Surgical Services and a member of the Medical Advisory Committee at the San; Chairman of the San Breast Cancer and Surgical Oncology/Head and Neck Multidisciplinary Teams (MDTs); Chairman of the Section of Surgical Oncology of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons; committee member on a number of ANU, state and national advisory groups.
Career Summary:
1989: Graduated University of Sydney with First Class Honours
1989-96: Post Graduate Training Westmead Hospital
1996: Fellowship Royal Australasian of Surgeons in General Surgery
1997-98: Clinical Superintendent in Surgery at Westmead Hospital
1998-99: Fellow in Surgical Oncology, Royal Marsden Hospital, London
1999-2000: Lecturer University of Sydney, Sydney Melanoma Unit, RPAH
2000-10: Consultant Surgical Oncologist Westmead Hospital and Founding Head of Melanoma and Sarcoma Surgical Services, Chairman of Melanoma and Sarcoma Multidisciplinary Teams
2003-05: Head of Department of General Surgery, Westmead Hospital
2011-21: Associate Professor in Surgery, Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney, Sydney Adventist Hospital Clinical School (SAHCS)
2015-19: Head of Department of General Surgery and Sub-Specialities Sydney Adventist Hospital (SAH)
2019-21: Head of Clinical School, SAHCS
Michael has considerable experience in clinical research. He has over thirty peer-reviewed journal publications covering a diverse range of subjects and a number of book chapters. His primary interest is in oncology, particularly striving to optimise individual care for breast cancer and melanoma patients. He is an active participant in clinical trials. Michael also has a deep interest in soft tissue sarcomas and non-melanoma skin cancer. Outside of oncology he has a strong interest in perioperative medicine and quality in healthcare.